
TRIP TO PROVIDENCIA ….and we cleaned up one of the beaches where we left with around 15 trash bags.

    On the island we met a youth leader, named Rahul, who was guiding some of the youth of the island to help protect their home and teach them about it at the same time. On Monday we met with him and he taught us about the different types of Mangroves and Coral on the […]

TRIP TO PROVIDENCIA ….and we cleaned up one of the beaches where we left with around 15 trash bags. Read More »

“Health can equal happiness”, words from Daniella about the Health Brigade

“Health can equal happiness”, words from Daniella about the Health Brigade: I arrived at the school at 7:30 a.m, and began preparing for the day. I set up, and recognised the importance of order and organisation, as my group members and I met each other, and worked out how many children we were to look

“Health can equal happiness”, words from Daniella about the Health Brigade Read More »

This has been the best experience I’ve had in terms of giving to others without expecting anything in return

Here is the testimony of Bruno, a Y12 student, about the House Building Activity in Cazucá: This has been the best experience I’ve had in terms of giving to others without expecting anything in return. I’m still speechless when it comes to thinking about how we changed a family’s life forever in just 6 hours

This has been the best experience I’ve had in terms of giving to others without expecting anything in return Read More »