Mr. Jamie Regan
Head of Secondary
Colegio Gran Bretaña’s Secondary Section is a diverse and inclusive environment that is driven by the values of respect, empathy, service, global citizenship, and leadership. CGB is a No Bully Zone, which means that we tackle bullying from multiple angles and perspectives, using both preventative, corrective, and restorative methods.
We are a truly international school, represented by many nationalities, who all form part of the fibres of our community. We purposefully nurture the international mindedness of our students through programmes such as Round Square, where students can learn about other cultures and take part in international exchanges, and the International Middle Years Curriculum at KS3, which is built around experiential learning and forming international learners.
At the centre of all of this is a strong academic core. The curricula of IGCSE and IB that are taught in KS4 and KS5 are academically rigorous and prepare students for their lives beyond CGB.
Secondary is made up of a highly experienced and qualified team of leaders, teachers, psychologists, support staff, and a university guidance counsellor, who are experts in their field and dedicated to the learning and success of our students.
Key Stage 3
In August 2015, we launched the International Middle Years Curriculum (IMYC) in our Secondary Section. This curriculum follows on from what is taught in the IPC in the Primary Section.
The subjects taught in Key Stage 3 are: English, Spanish, French, Mathematics, General Science, History, Geography, Information Technology, Sociales or Cultura Colombiana, Art, Music, Physical Education and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).

What is wonderful about this program of study is not so much what is taught, but how it is taught. The IMYC is based on constructivist theory and allows our young learners to make connections in their learning. Learning in each year group in Key Stage 3 is divided into three distinct units, with each unit having a Big Idea.
For more information, please click here.
Key Stage 4
When students from our Secondary Section progress from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4, they begin the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum from the University of Cambridge, England. We also offer certain courses from Pearson / Edexcel.
The core subjects that CGB offers at IGCSE level are First Language English Language and World Literature, First Language Spanish or Spanish as a Foreign Language, Mathematics, Combined Sciences and Global Perspectives.
Students also choose to take an elective subject such as French, History, Geography, Drama, Music, Computer Science, or Art and Design. Based on our students’ option selection, we will then try to cater to the needs of as many students as possible.
All students will study the locally required subjects of Performing Arts, Physical Education and PSHE. Colombian students are required to follow the National Social Science programme, known as Sociales.

Key Stage 5/Post 16
Since 2008, CGB has offered the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Years 12 and 13.
Participation in the IBDP is compulsory at CGB and school policy is that all students in these last two years of study will fulfil the requirements for the full Diploma.
Students must choose one subject from each of the six groups (see diagram). Three must be at Higher Level (HL) and three must be at Standard Level (SL).
Key Stage 5/POST 16
The IB Diploma cannot be awarded unless the Theory of Knowledge course is followed, an Extended Essay is written, and the CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) programme has been completed. In addition to the subjects offered within the IB Diploma Programme, Year 12 and Year 13 students will study a Performing Art (Music, Dance or Drama), Physical Education, and PSHE. For more information about the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, please click here.
By Colombian law, students are also required to present the Prueba Saber 11/ICFES exams. Support is offered to them throughout Years 12 and 13 in readiness for this national exam.

CGB is an inclusive school. Students benefit from learning alongside one another whilst celebrating and embracing their unique diversity. Having our Primary school on the same campus also means CGB students learn to develop and foster their caring nature with the younger learners.