This was my second year attending CGB’s annual Health Brigade. After having experienced what it was like to stay within a station and assist doctors the first time around, I decided that this year, I wanted to challenge myself by committing to the supervision of 15 children, who I also had to take to 10 different stations for their medical check-ups and, sometimes, fun activities.
My group members and I were in charge of 8 and 9 year-olds, which meant that we did not have to worry too much about the loss of their medical papers (we knew that they were old enough to understand that they were important). Nevertheless, watching over these children did prove itself to be a difficult task. Often, the children wanted to play, and would refuse to go to the different stations. At times, it took a lot of convincing, or even a stern voice, to take them to all these important, and necessary, check-ups. I must admit that, without the help of the other group leaders, I would not have been able to manage all the kids in my group. This activity showed me that sometimes, to succeed in a task, it is almost necessary to work collaboratively or as a team.
I had never been in charge of so many children before so, at first, I was nervous that I would in some way, ‘fail’ at completing my role as a leader. What worried me most was the possibility that they would disobey us and not get all their exams done, because of my shy, pliant nature. Nevertheless, by the end of the day, all my kids had received their check-ups and medicine (if needed), which genuinely elicited, in me, feelings of happiness and ease. I was more confident and adamant in my decisions and in my requests: something that I had found difficult to do in other (previous) circumstances.
Being with all the children taught me that I should be more grateful. I was also very careful with the things that I said and was well aware of how my actions could affect the children that we watched over. Our distinct situations, however, did not stop us from interacting and having fun – frankly, being around them taught me to be more appreciative and conscious of my surroundings. This experience has definitely changed me, as I am now less fearful of being a leader, and am progressing with my communication skills.
Year 12 Student.
Colegio Gran Bretaña.