Here is the testimony of Bruno, a Y12 student, about the House Building Activity in Cazucá:
This has been the best experience I’ve had in terms of giving to others without expecting anything in return. I’m still speechless when it comes to thinking about how we changed a family’s life forever in just 6 hours by inputting hard work from 10 am and not wanting to stop until the house was finished which was around 4 pm.
After a brief introduction to the group and an explanation of the materials that we were going to use, we began building full steam ahead. Lunch was prepared and offered to everyone by the family who was receiving the house but it was given to people in groups of 8. My friends and I were stubborn and we kindly refused to eat, alongside the Catalina Muñoz volunteers until the house was done because we were so close to finishing, we didn’t want to let anything in our way of completing the goal which was to help a family. After the house was almost completely done and the tasks that were being carried out at that time had to be done by the volunteers of the Catalina Muñoz, that’s when we enjoyed delicious ajiaco and I had the opportunity of socializing not only with people who I rarely talk to but also people that I had just met a couple of hours ago.
After this, we went back and finished building the house. Looking at the happy family and our end result of the finished house was one of the most satisfying feelings I had ever experienced since I knew that after all the time and energy I spent during that day, enjoying with everyone and making a change, everything had gone into a family’s growth for the better and that thought fills me with happiness. It will be a memory I’ll cherish forever.
This experience is one that I strongly recommend for every single person to experience and it should be carried out and maintained in the school for the next couple of years because, through it, the person who works on this gets a new understanding of what constant hard work and dedication for 6 hours straight can lead to. Everything was that good that if it’s offered next year, you can already count on me because it was that much of a fulfilling activity. This is a testimony of it.
Bruno, Y12